This is the last of the Procreation Sonnets. After a number of supposedly
futile attempts to convince out-rightly the Fair Youth to bear offspring,
Sonnet 17 paves way for a barrage of
praise and flattery. Shakespeare also tries his hand at soothsaying with
decidedly varied success. Yes there may be sceptics pertaining to the current
descriptions of the Fair Youth and doubtless anything more would draw more
disbelief but quite a number of us would probably have been willing to accept
and appreciate whatever the persona deemed to be the true value of the Fair
The Sonnet begins with a seemingly rhetorical question meant to in the
original case entice the Youth into believing that whatever elucidations the
persona mustered were but a shadow of what he really felt. A decidedly wise
route to take seeing as any description could then not be criticized as bad
whilst at the same time making the Youth feel a whole lot better about himself.
Shakespeare's self criticism is so useful in that whenever one critiques
oneself the people's expectations are lowered and whatever comes seems good
enough. Likening his writing to a "tomb" heightens this
self-criticism whilst also richly augmenting the beauty of the Fair Youth for
if such flattery verse is but a tomb, only the wildest of imaginations can
fathom what or whom the Fair Youth actually is.
Repetition of the conjunction "if" to begin the second
quatrain serves as a lamentation of sorts to properly express the dire regret
Shakespeare feels at apparently not being able to capture the true beauty of the Fair Youth in writing.
Some will say it is just continued adulation but even if only for a moment let
us assume it is completely true. If the greatest writer of all time cannot in
earnest do justice to the beauty of this creature then surely he must have been
quite simply a sight for the sorest of eyes; never to be seen again unless he
did have children.
The third quatrain brings forth a rather sad feel to the Sonnet as the
predictions within are so logical they have to be true. Instead of accepting
the beauty of the Fair Youth and sharing it, we instead point to the quality
and flamboyance of the persona. These Sonnets are "... termed a poet's
rage" with the true memory of the Fair Youth embroidered only in mystery.
Such is the importance of having children for an 'everlasting' legacy. None of
us have Shakespeare to document our qualities so best we do our own
documentation in whatever way possible.
A Sonnet of great quality no doubt but more importantly a plea to all to
find the best way to leave an everlasting memory.
A copy of this analysis is available at
A copy of this analysis is available at