Sunday 26 June 2016

Sonnet 12

Another one of the procreation Sonnets with slight yet incredibly interesting twist. In this Sonnet the persona openly concedes that the Fair Youth "will" or "must" go through the ravages of Time. Whether this is just to stir up fear within the Fair Youth or just a sincere concession is up for debate. Whatever the case may be, a sense of realism and practicality pervades the whole plea for procreation henceforth.
Line 1 makes use of the most obvious images of the passage of time, a clock seemingly congruent with the practical or realistic nature of this particular Sonnet. Furthermore the phrase " ...I do count..." conjures the feeling of an all-seeing persona, a persona with a bird's eye view of Time's progression, a somewhat seasoned campaigner when it comes to the effects of time. Surely such a person would know best how to take on mortality and yet the Fair Youth is ever incredulous to this line of thought.
The description of the Sun as brave in Line 2 portrays the defiance to the razing of time as a noble and worthy cause, a quest requiring courage. Courage the Fair Youth declines to exhibit. Does this then justify the misgivings the Fair Youth seems to have?
From clock to day, from day to luscious violet from violet to metamorphosing hair, from hair to seasonal tree all seemingly mundane yet necessary excerpts from life suffer from Time's destructive tendencies all under the watchful eye of the persona whose words of advice do not seem to be enough for the Fair Youth. Time seems so efficient, so ruthless, a grim reaper of sorts aiding each and every facet of the world to mortality.
Even the Fair Youth's beauty is to be tested by the strength of time, "That thou among the wastes of time must go" and surely how-so-ever prominent or awe-inspiring it cannot survive, for sure nothing against time's scythe can make defence and the only way to guard the beauty is to bear children.